@Dublade: I have this options enabled in the znc.config file but I thi...
ZNC web interface doesn't work
 Dublade   Feb 23 2023
@Dublade: Hi StephenS, yes I'm sure because I've used it before.
ZNC web interface doesn't work
 Dublade   Feb 23 2023
@Dublade: Hello, I tried the ZNC help commands from the irc client,...
Cannot connect to IRC (Network is unreachable)
 Dublade   Jan 21 2023
@Dublade: Hello, today I can't connect to the network using the xsh...
Cannot connect to IRC (Network is unreachable)
 Dublade   Jan 21 2023
@Dublade: Dear StephenS, As you indirectly suggested, I tried to en...
Cannot connect to IRC (Network is unreachable)
 Dublade   Jan 21 2023