Mar 02 2023

I got banned for no reason I can think of
4  485 {{}}
Hello, my shell was banned yesterday.

I wasn't doing anything illegal as far as I know, I was in the process of testing a new TCL and rehashing... never ran more than one eggdrop process or anything else.

Can I get some help on this please? :(

each case is unique, so open a ticket to get more details on your shell account being banned.
Staff StephenS    Mar 03 2023
Thank you for your reply! I will open a ticket right now.
GuessWho    Mar 03 2023
If you are not allowing usage, do not open registration. Everyone's time is precious, so don't try to deceive them.
workmen    Mar 26 2023
We do allow shells and as I can see you are banned due to some illegal activities. Shells which does not compile with our TOS are auto suspended.
Staff StephenS    Mar 26 2023

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