Sep 25 2022

winscp and putty
6  769 {{tagitem.name}}
I'm having a hard time logging into putty on winscp. I'm trying to so I can get my eggdrop on the servers she used to be on. I'm on IRC but everytime I'm active on there no one is available to help.
You should be able to login to shell on all our servers, what kind of issue do you have?
Staff StephenS    Sep 26 2022
it says "couldn't agree key exchange algorith" is the error when i try to log on to putty after being logged onto winscp, StephenS
Hailie    Sep 26 2022
Remove authorized hosts and re-add it again.
Staff StephenS    Sep 26 2022
now i got on it, but i can't get my eggdrop on a server. this is what happens when i try.

Hailie@xshellz-free:~$ cd eggdrop

Hailie@xshellz-free:~/eggdrop$ ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf

./eggdrop: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.5.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Hailie    Sep 26 2022
Ask in #eggdrop on libera chat.
Staff StephenS    Sep 27 2022

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