Apr 08 2017

What are you doing with your xshell?
2  2K+ {{}}
Hey guys, i am trying to learn linux here. It is very limited to do some stuff. Im just doing copy, paste, move files etc.
I wonder what are you doing and what i can do else than file processes.

I really appreciated if someone explains!
Thank you!
If your an IRC user you can look into messing around with an eggdrop bot. You can also play around with a bouncer, such as psybnc and znc. They are persistant connections to an IRC server so even if your not connected to it your nick will be connected to said IRC server.
sOur    Apr 08 2017
I can't really advice this service (at least not on the free level) for learning how to work the Linux cli, mostly because many functions are limited/blocked to prevent abuse. However, if you are interested in any of the services sOur mentioned, then this is the place to be. <= if you want to learn the basics (at your own speed and with an interactive terminal without having to download or install anything), then I would recommend a site like this.
DBG    Apr 08 2017

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